Privacy Policy

Data Protection Declaration

This data protection declaration informs about type, extent and purposes of data collection and processing of visitors and users (hereinafter referred to as «users»). The informing authority in terms of data protection law is the PALAEOLOVE shop (online shop / website), owner and operator: JAGDLIEBE GmbH, Laettenweg 23, 8335 Hittnau, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland (PALAEOLOVE of JAGDLIEBE > Trademark & Company) (hereinafter referred to as «provider»).

For questions about data protection you can reach us from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Central European Time at the phone number: +41 44 680 35 55, as well as via email:

Collection of Access Data

The provider collects data on every access of the online service (so-called server logfiles). The access data encompass the name of the accessed website data, date and time of the access, transported quantity of data, a report of the successful retrieval, browser type and its version, the operating system of the user, referrer URL (the site accessed previously), the IP address and the inquiring provider.

The provider uses protocol data according to the legal regulations only for the company’s statistical evaluation and the optimisation of the online service, without assigning the data to the user or any other created profile. The provider reserves herself the right to review the protocol data retroactively, if indications suggest the legitimate suspicion of an illegal usage.

Collection and Usage of Personal Data

The provider only collects and uses personal data, if the law permits it or if the users agree to the data collection. Generally, while employing the service, the users are able to recognize the data that is being collected, for example name, e-mail address and message when using the order sheet.

The personal data collected for the purpose of ordering goods (for example name, e-mail address, address, payment data) is used by the supplier to guarantee the transaction and the performance of the contract. This data is treated confidentially, transported in an encrypted fashion and is not passed on to third parties, who are not involved in the ordering procedure, delivery or payment process.

When contacting the provider (via contact sheet or e-mail), the data of the user is stored for the purpose of processing the request and in case of follow-up questions.

The provider has adopted organisational, contractual and technical security measures to safeguard the compliance with the regulations of the data protection act, or to prevent accidental or nonnegligent manipulation, leakage, destruction or the access of unauthorized persons.

Forwarding of Data to Third Parties

The data of the users are only forwarded to third parties, if this is legal or a user agrees to it.

This is the case for example, when transporting the data serves the purposes of complying with contractual obligations towards the user and the address is given to an express company after the order is placed. This is also the case, if law enforcement authorities request the data.

Under no circumstances the personal data of the users are forwarded or sold to third parties for advertisement purposes or for generating profiles of the users.


The supplier uses «cookies» within his online service. Cookies are small data files, which users store on their computer and which save data that is then accessible to the supplier. Temporary cookies are deleted when closing the browser; permanent cookies remain accessible for a predetermined period of time and can provide the stored data when the online service is revisited.

Cookies are employed to facilitate the usage of the service. Thus, a cookie stores the shopping cart status of a user.

The user can influence the usage of these cookies. Most browsers dispose of a feature, which completely limits or prevents cookies from storing data. The provider tries to present the online service in a fashion that renders cookies redundant. However, it must be said that a lack of cookies restricts the convenient usage of the service.

Google Analytics

The provider uses Google Analytics, a web analysing service by Google Inc. («Google»). Google Analytics uses so-called «cookies», text files which are stored on the computer of the users which allow an analysis of your usage of the website. The Information created by the cookie on the users’ usage of this website is usually forwarded to and stored on a Google server in the United States of America.

In case of an activation of the IP anonymisation on this website, Google previously shortens the IP address of the users within the member states of the European Union or other contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the IP address is sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. The IP anonymisation is active on this website. On behalf of the provider of this website, Google will use this information to assess the usage of the website by the users, to compile reports about the website activities and to provide further services towards the website provider in regards to the website and internet usage.

The IP address that is transported by your browser within Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data. The users can prevent the storage of cookies through an adjustment in their browser software. However, the provider points out to the users that in this case they may not be able to use the full spectrum of the website’s services. In addition, the users can prevent the acquisition of data generated by the cookie, as well as Google’s usage and processing of data related to the website (including their IP address) by downloading and installing the following browser plugin > Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Usage of Facebook Social Plugins

This online service uses social plugins («plugins») of the social platform, which is run by the Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA («Facebook»). The plugins are recognisable by their Facebook logo (white «f» on blue tile or a «thumbs up» sign) or they are marked as “Facebook Social Plugin”. The list and the appearance of the Facebook social plugins can be viewed under the following link > Facebook for Developers.

When the user accesses a website of this online service, which contains such a plugin, the browser connects to the Facebook servers automatically. Facebook transports the plugin’s content directly to the user’s browser which integrates it into the website. Therefore, the provider has no bearing on the data’s extent collected by Facebook and informs the users according to her state of knowledge: Due to the integrated plugins, Facebook receives the information that the user accessed a site of the online service. If the user is logged in on Facebook, the social network is able to assign the visit to the respective account. If a user interacts with the plugins, for example by clicking on the «like» button or by leaving a comment, the information is transported from the browser to Facebook and stored there. If a user is not a member of Facebook, it is still possible that Facebook detects and stores the IP address. In some countries only an anonymised IP address is stored, according to Facebook.

The data collection’s purpose and extent, Facebook’s data processing and usage, as well as the rights hereof and the setup options in terms of protecting the users’ sphere of privacy can be retrieved from Facebook’s data security information.

If a user is a member of Facebook and does not want that Facebook collects data through this online service on him/her and links it to other membership data stored on Facebook, he/she has to log out of Facebook and delete the respective Facebook cookies before visiting the website. It is also possible to use browser add-ons in order to block Facebook social plugins, for example the «Facebook blocker». For further information see > Facebook Data Policy.

+1 Button of Google+

On this online service, buttons of the social network Google+ are used (for example the «+1» button), which is run by the Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States («Google»). If a user accesses a website of this online service, the browser sets up a direct connection with Google servers. Google transports the content of the buttons directly to their browser and from there integrates it into the website. Therefore, the provider has no bearing on the extent of data that is collected by Google through the buttons.

According to Google no personal data is collected without a click on the button. Only the data of logged in Google+ members is collected and processed, for example the IP address. The data collection’s purpose and extent, Google’s data processing and usage, as well as the rights hereof and the setup options in terms of protecting the users’ sphere of privacy can be retrieved from Google’s data security information. If a user is a member of Google+ and does not want that Google collects data through this online service on him/her and links it to other membership data stored on Google, he/she has to log out of Google+ and delete the respective Google-cookies before visiting the website. For further information see > Google Privacy.

Usage of Twitter Buttons

On this online service, buttons of the service Twitter are used (for example «Tweet» or «Follow»), which is offered by the Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

If a user accesses a website of this online service, the browser sets up a direct connection with Twitter servers. Twitter transports the content of the buttons directly to their browser and from there integrates it into the website. Therefore, the provider has no bearing on the extent of data that is collected by Twitter through this plugin and informs the users according to her state of knowledge: When accessing the button, only the user’s IP address as well as the URL of the respective website are transported and used for other purpose than to display the button. You can find further information in regards to this on Twitter’s data protection declaration > Twitter Privacy Policy.


On this online service, social plugins of the network Pinterest are used, which is run by the Pinterest Inc., 808 Brannan Street San Francisco, CA 94103-490, USA («Pinterest»). If you access a website of this online service, the browser sets up a direct connection with Pinterest servers. The plugin transports protocol data to the Pinterest server in the USA. This protocol data can comprise your IP address, the address of the visited website which contains Pinterest features, browser type and setup, date and time of the request, as well as your Pinterest use and cookies.

The data collection’s purpose and extent, Pinterest’s data processing and usage, as well as the rights hereof and the setup options in terms of protecting the users’ sphere of privacy can be retrieved from > Pinterest’s Privacy Policy.


On this online service, features of the service Instagram are used. These features are provided by the Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA («Instagram»). If you are logged in on your Instagram account, you can link the website’s content with your Instagram profile by clicking on the Instagram button. Thereby, Instagram is able to assign the visit of our website to your account.

We point out that we as a provider receive no information on the content of the transported data, or Instagram’s usage of this data. Further information concerning this can be found in > Instagram’s Privacy Policy.

Revocation, Adjustments, Corrections and Updates

On request the customer is entitled to obtain information free of charge on personal data which was stored by the seller about him/her. Contact information can be found on the provider’s site notice.

Additionally, he/she has the right to the correction of inaccurate data, disabling or deletion of his/her personal data, if a legal duty to preserve records does not oppose it.

Adjustments of the Data Protection Declaration

The provider reserves herself the right to adjust the data protection declaration in order to align it with a change of legal status, or with a change of the service or of the data processing.