

I. PALAEOLOVE (est. 2015) is a legally protected trademark of the company JAGDLIEBE GmbH, Laettenweg 23, 8335 Hittnau, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland (PALAEOLOVE of JAGDLIEBE > Trademark & Company). The company is the owner and operator of the PALAEOLOVE online shop (website).

II. All illustrations (drawings, paintings, etc.) detached or fixed to products, the goods themselves and all objects (3D models, jewellery, etc.) sold in the shop as well as all other illustrations, objects and the entire texts on the PALAEOLOVE website are copyright protected. Unauthorised reproductions of illustrations, objects, goods and unauthorised using of written contents of the homepage or parts of it without express written permission in particular for commercial purposes are prohibited.

III. The base currency of all shop prices and charges is Swiss Franc (CHF). The possibility of using foreign currencies for shopping provides non-binding convenience to our customers. In the case of defective currency conversions the original backend shop prices and charges in Swiss Franc (CHF) are obligatory. These shop prices and charges are visible in the frontend if the online shop is retrieved with a Swiss Internet Protocol (IP) address or if you select the base currency.

IV. All shop prices and charges are without obligation for the supplier. This applies to the goods themselves, the shipping costs showing up during checkout and the automatic currency conversions on the website. All shop prices are and first become obligatory only when they have been confirmed to the customer in writing after the order transaction has been finished. The immediately sent automatically generated confirmation email for the order is not binding.

V. The shop offers are only valid as long as stocks last: mistakes, changes and errors as to the product inventory excepted.

VI. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the location of the company (8335 Hittnau ZH, Switzerland > Trademark & Company). Only Swiss law is applicable and Swiss courts are responsible.

VII. This Preamble is an integral part of the Terms & Conditions  following below and thus of every purchase contract.

Contents of the Terms & Conditions

1. Area of validity
2. Offers and specification of services
3. Ordering procedure and contract closing
4. Prices and shipping charges
5. Delivery, product availability
6. Payment terms
7. Retention of title
8. Warranty for defects and warranty
9. Liability
10. Shipping costs upon revocation
11. Storage of the text of the contract
12. Data protection
13. Forum, applicable law, language of contract

  1. Area of Validity
    1. Exclusively the aforementioned Preamble and the following Terms & Conditions in their valid version at the time of the purchase order apply for the business relations between the PALAEOLOVE shop (online shop / website), owner and operator: JAGDLIEBE GmbH, Laettenweg 23, 8335 Hittnau, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland (PALAEOLOVE of JAGDLIEBE > Trademark & Company) (hereinafter referred to as «seller»), and the customer (hereinafter referred to as «customer»).
    2. In case of questions, reclamations and complaints you can reach our customer service on workdays from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Central European Time at the phone number: +41 44 680 35 55, as well as via email: office@palaeolove.com.
    3. Any natural person, who concludes a transaction outside of a commercial or independent professional activity, is a consumer under these terms and conditions.
    4. Other terms and conditions of the customer are not accepted, except in case the seller accepts those conditions in writing.
  2. Offers and Specification of Services
    1. The depiction of the products in the online shop does not represent a legally binding offer, but a request of placing an order. The specification of services displayed in catalogues, as well as on the online shop / website of the seller do not equal a warranty.
    2. All offers remain in place while stocks last, unless described otherwise. Errors and omissions are excepted.
  3. Ordering Procedure and Contract Closing  (see also > Order Transaction)
    1. The customer can choose products out of the range of goods non-committally and collect them in a so-called shopping basket / cart by clicking on the button «ADD TO BASKET».
    2. Subsequently, the customer can click on the button «VIEW BASKET» respectively the button «PROCEED TO CHECKOUT» within the shopping basket / cart and thereby proceed towards closing the ordering procedure.
    3. By clicking on the button «BUY NOW», the customer submits a binding purchase offer, comprising all the products placed in the shopping basket / cart. Ahead of submitting the order, the customer can examine and alter the data at any time. Necessary information is marked with an asterisk (*).
    4. The seller will then send an automatic confirmation receipt to the customer via email, which displays the customer’s order and which can be printed (order confirmation). The automatic confirmation receipt solely documents the seller’s receipt of the customer’s order and does not represent an acceptance of the request. The purchase contract comes into effect when the seller delivers or ships the ordered product to the costumer, or when the seller confirms the consignment via a second email, representing an explicit order confirmation or an invoice.
    5. If the seller offers advance payment, the contract only comes into effect when the contract conditions, mentioned under 3.4, are fulfilled. If the seller cannot deliver the product, the costumer receives a refund of payments that were already made.
    6. If the seller does not receive the customer’s due payment at least 10 calendar days after the order confirmation has reached the seller, the seller withdraws from the contract, declaring the order invalid and rejecting any responsibility of delivering the product. In this case the order is revoked, implying no further consequences for either seller or customer.
    7. In case of payment in advance the item can be reserved for 10 calendar days at the longest.
  4. Prices and Shipping Charges
    1. All prices listed on the seller’s website / online shop include the respectively legal turnover tax for Swiss (CH*) and Liechtenstein (LI*) buyers. Further details on shop prices for Swiss (CH*) and Liechtenstein (LI*) buyers and buyers from other countries can be found here > Shop Prices.
    2. The seller charges shipping fees in addition to the listed prices. The shipping charges are explicitly communicated to the customer on the shipping charges site and during the ordering procedure. Further information on shipping fees can be looked up in the > Shipping Methods & Costs.
  5. Delivery, Product Availability
    1. If the product chosen by the customer is not available at the time of the order, the seller informs the customer thereof in the confirmation order (not the automatic confirmation receipt). If the product is not available permanently, the seller abstains from a declaration of acceptance. In this case a contract does not come into effect.
    2. If the product chosen by the customer is not available temporarily, the seller informs the customer thereof in the confirmation order as well (not the automatic confirmation receipt). In case of a shipping delay of more than two weeks, the customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract. In that case, the seller is also entitled to withdraw from the contract. The customer receives a refund of payments that were already made. In case of advance payment, delivery is conducted after receiving the invoice amount.
  6. Payment Terms
    1. The customer can choose among the available payment terms during and before closing the ordering procedure.
    2. If payment on invoice is possible, payment is due within 14 days after receiving the goods and the invoice. If cash on delivery is accepted, the goods are to be paid during the receipt by the customer or his/her representative, including shipment charges of the deliverer. For all other payment terms, payment has to be made in advance without deduction
    3. If third-party suppliers are commissioned with the payment transaction, for example PayPal, their general terms and conditions apply.
    4. If the calendar determines the maturity of the payment, the customer is in default by neglecting the deadline. In this case the customer has to pay default charges of 5 percent per annum.
    5. The customer’s obligation to pay default charges does not exclude the seller from asserting further damages by delay.
    6. A right to offsetting by the customer does only apply, when his/her counterclaims are legally binding or accepted by the seller. The customer can only assert his/her right of retention, if the claims result from the same contractual relationship.
  7. Retention of Title
    Until full payment is rendered the seller retains legal ownership of the goods.
  8. Warranty for Defects and Warranty
    1. The warranty is determined according to legal regulations.
    2. A warranty for goods delivered by the seller only exists, if it was explicitly issued.
  9. Liability
    1. The following disclaimers and limitations of liability apply for the seller’s liability of indemnity, notwithstanding other legal eligibility criteria.
    2. The seller is unconditionally liable, if the cause of damage can be ascribed to malice or gross negligencet.
    3. Furthermore, in case of slight negligence the seller is liable for the violation of essential obligations, which jeopardise the attainment of the purpose of the contract, or for the violation of obligations, whose feasance enable the proper performance of the contract and in whose compliance the customer regularly confides in. In that case, however, the seller is only liable for the foreseeable damage that is typical for the contract. The seller is not liable for the slightly negligent violation of other obligations not mentioned above.
    4. The aforementioned limitations of liability do not apply to damages of life, body and health for a defect after acceptance of a warranty for the consistency of the product and for fraudulently concealed defects.
    5. As far as the liability of the seller is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives and proxies.
  10. Shipping Costs upon Revocation
    1. If the customer is a consumer, he bears the regular costs of the return consignment in case of a revocation (safe packaging, postal charges, customs duties, etc.).
    2. All further details regarding revocations can be found in the declaration of revocation > Right of Rescission.
  11. Storage of the Text of the Contract
    1. The seller stores the text of the contract of the order. The general terms and conditions are retrievable online. The customer can print the text of the contract before placing the order by using the printing button of the browser in the last stage of the ordering procedure.
    2. The seller sends an order confirmation to the email address provided by the customer, which contains all ordering data. Furthermore, the customer receives a copy of the general terms and conditions with his order.
  12. Data Protection
    1. The seller processes personal data of the customer for a specific purpose and alongside the legal requirements.
    2. The personal data provided for the purpose of placing the order (for example name, email address, address, payment data) is used by the seller to transact and fulfill the contract. This data is treated confidentially and is not passed on to third parties, who are not involved in the ordering procedure, delivery or payment process.
    3. On request the customer is entitled to obtain information free of charge on personal data which was stored by the seller about him/her. Additionally, he/she has the right to the correction of inaccurate data, disabling or deletion of his/her personal data, if a legal duty to preserve records does not oppose it.
    4. Further information on the kind, extent, location and purpose of the collection, processing and exploitation of the necessary personal data by the seller can be looked up in the > Data Privacy Statement.
  13. Forum, Applicable Law, Languages of Contract
    1. The seller’s place of business is the forum and the place of performance, if the purchaser is a businessman, a corporate body under public law or a public separate estate. The seller’s place of business is the forum and the place of performance, if the purchaser is a businessman, a corporate body under public law or a public separate estate.
    2. Exclusively the law of the Swiss Confederation is applicable.
    3. The languages of contract are German and English.

* The two-letter country codes correspond to ISO 3166-Standard «Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and their Subdivisions», compare the > ISO 3166-1 code list.